Thursday, February 21, 2008

You think you know, You have no idea...

Ok, so Jade Gaskin has tagged me in this fun little activity to share 7 interesting facts about myself! I am not sure what to share--I think I am very boring! But I'm glad she tagged me--here goes!

1. This HAD to be my #1 fact--I can write with both the same time! With my right hand, I write normal and with my left I write backwards all at the same time. For example, I will write my name going the right direction with my right hand and then backwards with my left hand. I have NO clue how I discovered this talent. I was born left-handed, but I also write with my right hand a lot of the time. My sister says I'm a freak of nature.

2. I am terrified of storms. In fact, as I'm typing this, it's thundering, and I don't like it! I'm a big baby when it comes to a storm.

3. I, like Jade, have threatened to tryout for American Idol! I love to sing, but I'm nowhere good enough to win that competition. I was the lead in my high school play, but when I look back at the video, I get a little embarrassed!

4. I have this obsession with keeping my kitchen counter clean. I wipe the thing down just about everyday. I don't know why I care that much. I am not that great at keeping everything else clean, but you can bet that counter is gonna be spotless!

5. I'm scared of clowns. I mean REALLY scared of clowns. When I was a student worker for the football office, I had to clean out Coach Sherrill's office when he retired...he collected clowns..all kinds. Miserable! In fact, I'm scared of Halloween too. I don't do mask/costumes.

6. Ok, this one will sound really strange. I don't like to touch paper (newspaper, notebook paper, paper sacks, etc) Weird, huh? Obviously, I have to touch it cause I wouldn't make it through life, but I can't stand the way it feels on my hands!

7. If I could have one wish come true, I'd be a Broadway star. I wouldn't mind having a part in Hairspray, RENT, even High School Musical. I think that's what I'll do in my next life. :)

Thanks, Jade. That was fun. I'm gonna tag Mandi and Kayla now.


Brenner said...

I am with you on number 5!!!! I hate clowns! I actually feel like I am having a panic attack everytime a mascot or someone dressed up comes anywhere near me. I can't stand it!!!! I have decided to start my own blog rather just stalk others. I will keep you posted! I need to get to Starkville soon! I haven't gotten to have a coversation in person with you in ages!!