Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Daddy

I have been meaning to write this post for a while now. I wanted to share the story of my daddy...

In August 2003, about a week before I moved to Starkville, my mom sat me down along with my little sister and told us news that would change my life forever. My dad had been diagnosed with Alzhiemer's Disease. He was 53 at the time. You rarely hear of this disease affecting someone so young. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and it scared me to death. I knew dad had had something wrong for about two years before that, but never in my life did I expect that. What happened over the next four years would take a lot more than one blog post to describe. When they call Alzhiemer's the "long goodbye", they know what they're talking about. We slowly watched him forget how to do the simplest things (tie his shoe, walk the dog, fix a sandwich...) Such a saddening experience to see this man that was the smartest, most business-savvy, most outgoing man I'd ever known go through this. In November of 2006, we made the very difficult decision to move daddy out of our house. He had gotten to the point where my mom and little sister could no longer take care of him. Around last May daddy got really sick, and on June 15, 2007, the Lord took him home.

I could not ask for a better daddy, and I miss him as much today as I did yesterday. He taught me so much and set the greatest example of what a husband and father should be. God has been so good to my family. We have gone through so much in the last five years, but we could never have made it through without our faith. We may not always understand God's plan, but it is HIS plan. He is completely in control, and we have to trust.
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7


Mandi said...

This is a sweet post Nat... He was such a wonderful man and i'm very thankfull to have met him. You will never settle for anything less than him..I will make sure of it. I love you...

jgaskin said...

Hey Natalie,
What a wonderful post...Thanks for sharing that. How have you been? I would love to meet up and have lunch in the coming week/weeks. Maybe we can get Rachel to go with us! By the way -cute blog!

jgaskin said...

Oh I know! You should have been there. Could barley stand it. How appropriate is that for Matt!?! People that knew him def. know that he would be so proud Jason did that. What about next Tues. or Thurs. for lunch?