Sunday, February 10, 2008

My weekend

After a little rocky start, I ended up having a pretty good weekend at home. I finally got to see my niece this afternoon. I miss seeing her almost everyday. (They recently moved to Southaven.)

Today was fun. We went to the NA High School play--High School Musical. I haven't ever watched the movie, so I was a bit curious as to how this play might turn out. I'm only used to the school producing broadway plays. When I was a senior, we did South Pacific. (yes, I was the lead). That was probably the most fun time of my entire senior year. The play was really good today and lots of fun to watch. It really made me miss doing stuff like that. For those of you reading this that know me well--my passion in life is dance and performing. I LOVE it--enough said.

Got a pretty busy week ahead. I pray that the Lord will help me have a positive attitude. I've kinda had a bad (sad) attitude lately. God is good. Let us not forget that.