Thursday, February 28, 2008

Save me from myself!

Yours truly here really woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! I was just in a sour mood all morning..pretty much all day. I was so busy at work, people were getting on my nerves, I was tired, hungry..what else can I complain about?!

During my lunch break, I got a call from the Starkville Academy athletic director, and she offered me the coaching position again for the JV dance team. Since we had been going back and forth with me maybe coaching the Varsity, I was relieved to have the JV back, and I gladly took her up on her offer. This kinda lifted my spirits...kinda.

I spent the rest of the afternoon smothered in work. I took out a little aggression on the eliptical and bike at the gym. I'm now about to head to the Veranda for dinner with some friends. This will be fun, and I'm looking forward to closing out this BLAH day with a good time. The Veranda has an extremely bittersweet feeling to it. Gaskin and I had a really, really fun night there a few months ago, and he always texted me when he was up there. I know he'd be shocked to know I was actually going tonight! Gosh, I miss him so, so much. But here's to a good night with friends and maybe having a drink for my boy, Gaskin ;)