Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Sweet Friend, Gaskin

Recently, I lost a very special friend, Matthew Gaskin. Gaskin and I were neighbors last year, and we had developed a close friendship. He NEVER failed at making me smile. The last time I saw him, he was smiling his great big smile and joked with me about being old--something he liked to remind me of often ;) I am so thankful for that night.

I will miss my friend so very much, but thankfully the Lord had a much greater plan for him than I did. We are not promised tomorrow, and I hope that I will continue to live as Matthew did--living life to the fullest, never worrying about what might come.

About a month after my dad passed away, I sent Gaskin a text saying how much I missed him. What he texted back I will remember forever, as it is now true about him.."I know you miss him, but you will see him again. He is part of you, he's in you."

See you soon, Gaskin. :)