Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Man's Best Friend

I was told this morning to "get to blogging!!". I was thinking back to older posts and realized I have not mentioned my dog Jack! I'm such a bad mother.

I've had Jack for about a year and a half. I had been thinking that I kinda wanted a dog, but I just couldn't make up my mind. Emilia had a friend that worked at the Columbus Humane Society, and she told me one day that her friend had taken home this dog but just didn't think she could keep him since she had two other dogs. She convinced me to take a look at some pictures of "Mr. Milo" and to go visit him. He was so skinny and cute, and I took the friend up on her offer to let this dog come home with me for a night or two. How did that go? Let's just say for the next couple of days I was BEGGING somebody, anybody, to take this dog away from me! He was so hyper and too much trouble. I felt sorry for him, but I just didn't think I could do it. Well, nobody wanted him...not even me. The poor thing had been sent back to the shelter a few times already, so something in me just wouldn't allow him to go back. I changed his name to Jack (Mr. Milo wasn't working for us). And here we are, a year and a half later. I don't know what I'd do without him! How could I have ever wanted to get rid of him. He's such a sweet dog and has calmed down a good bit! Who cares that he's ridiculously spoiled and slightly heavier than he once was?

Jack is a beagle/jack russell mix. He also goes by Jack Jack, Jackers, Stickers (from my niece), and Jack Cristil when he's in trouble.


Brenner said...

I'm so glad you wrote a post about Jack. I was all ready to leave you a comment telling you to write about him. You read my mind!!!! I definitely think he and Riley should be friends. I think we should hang out too! It has been way too long. Jack is so cute! My mom would love him! She loves beagles and thinks Jack Russels are the cutest puppies ever!

Renee Lynn said...

Awwww...Jack Jack!!!

Mandi said...

JACK JACK finally got his own POST!! It's about time MAMA NAT!

kT and A said...

You have to tell me how to make a collage, it's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love this post:) It makes me miss my babies at my mom's house.

Amanda and Sterling said...

I'm with Kayla...how can we make these cute colleges for our blogs?

Amanda and Sterling said...

Oops, obviously I meant COLLAGES!!

The Beamer's said...

I miss our walks around the track with gaby, jack and stella! We were quite a sight! Hope you are doing well!