Thursday, April 24, 2008

B is for BIG sister

I decided to make today's post about my big sister, Em. (Her name is Emily, but that just sounds weird coming out of my mouth.) Em is three years older than me and has always been someone I admire and trust. When we were little she was so mean to me! Don't deny it, Em, you know you played pranks on me and convinced me to do stuff I shouldn't! We always had two barstools in the kitchen, and she got the "first" one--the one furthest from the wall. Why we thought this one was cooler, I'll never know. She got the front of the bathtub--closest to the faucet. She convinced me to open my mouth and close my eyes while she shoved the bar of soap in my mouth. She shoved minute steak up my nose. She convinced me to play the cheese game. That game will remain private!! haha. I will admit though, I did have fun with that one!

Em did "take charge" when we were younger, but as we've gotten older, I've needed her to be the one in charge. When I moved to Starkville, I was nervous and afraid to be away from home. Thank goodness she was here. She helped me adjust to living on my own. She fed me! and basically helped me earn my degree. She picked me up from the Kappa Sig house when you know who gave me the shaft! She came to my apartment in the middle of the night (9 MONTHS PREGNANT) to scare off an ex-boyfriend!! No matter what happens, she is ALWAYS there for me.
Em, you have taught me so much and allowed me to make mistakes and learn from them, all the while, guiding me to be the best I can be. I still look up to you and think you are one of the smartest people in the world. Thank you for being the BEST BIG sister! I love you.


Mandi said...

Such a sweet post... love it!

Renee Lynn said...

So sweet! I am laughing out loud at the minute steak up the nose :)

Anonymous said...

Love this post!! Maybe when school is over I will join the alphabet game. By the way....the shoving soap in your mouth made me think of how Jennifer used to make me play dentist and she would shove a makeup wedge with toothpaste in my mouth as the "flouride treatment"

Emily R said...

Ummm...sobbing...tears all over the place. Thanks, Nat!!