Friday, April 18, 2008

Celeb Crush(es)

Is it ok to be completely jealous of Shannon Elizabeth and Edyta Sliwinska? Well, I am, and I'll tell you why. They both dance with the hottest guys ever on Dancing with the Stars. Haha. Rachel and I were just discussing our secret love for Derek Hough (professional dancer), and we've previously admitted to drooling over Jason Taylor (pro football player). HA. But seriously, I think I'm gonna figure out who to contact about how to pitch my idea for, Dancing with the Normal People!! I think Derek and I would make great dance partners!! ;)


Brenner said...

I hear you loud and clear!! I want to be on there with you...with Maks as a partner!!! I LOVE the show, but I will admit I have missed Maks this season. Great alternate choices!

Mandi said...

Do IT!!! I think you could win the sparkled trophy for sure! And...that's a FACT! :)

Rachel T. said...

I mean seriously, you would probably do much better than me, but I would be up for the challenge of dancing with the normal people.