Sunday, May 4, 2008

I is for Interesting Quiz

Thank you, Jade, for tagging me to this quiz! I needed something to do for "I".

maybe i should - get back to cleaning my apartment, but I needed the break

i love the smell of - my mom's cooking and Fierce cologne (Abercrombie & Fitch)

people would say that i’m -tender-hearted. Maybe TOO tender-hearted sometimes. I can't stand to see someone eating out alone. It makes me really sad.

i don’t understand why - MSU donors like to tell me how "stupid, ridiculous, unfair,..." our fundraising system is. If you don't like it, then get over it. We're like next to last if not last in the SEC as far as money goes. Deal with it and quit fussing at ME!

i lost my willpower to - run on the treadmill. I am not a runner, but I really want to be. I set goals when I first started going to the gym to run longer each time. Not sure where those goals went...

life is - too short

my past made me- stronger and more protective of myself. It also brought me out of my shell!

I get annoyed when I - am cutoff mid sentence at the drive thru (me too, Jade!), hear people smacking, can't quit saying "um", get behind a slow walker

parties are not a good time to - act like a hooker

dogs are - my favorite animal. I couldn't imagine life without my Jack!

tomorrow - is Monday and dance practice starts...

i have low tolerance for - people who can't be nice

i’m totally terrified of - frogs. They are creepy and gross. I know Hell is full of them.

i wonder why I thought my life would be... like I planned when I was little. I planned to be married at 22! Ha..

I always knew I would - still have a crush on one of my best friend's cousins..hahaha

never in my life have i - seen Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, been skiing (water or snow), gone to Europe, learned to drive a stick shift...

high school was - fun, adventurous, busy, a long time ago! I miss my junior year!

when i’m nervous- I pop my knuckles and my face turns red. But my face turns red all the time even when I'm not nervous or embarrassed

one time at a family gathering... hmm..that's a tough one. I bet if I thought long enough, I could come up with something funny daddy did...

take my advice- don't try the Caramel Frapps at'll never quit!

making my bed - doesn't happen enough

i'm almost always - distracted..or texting

i’m addicted to - tv..sad, but true

i want someone to - give me an idea for "J"

I now tag Brenner, Renee, and Rachel.


Renee Lynn said...

Love the quiz...I wonder who that cousin of a best friend would be, hhmmmm....:)