Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I can't live without my...

1. My Chi! This is just a given. I straighten my hair every single day of my life. My poor hair is probably so damaged from this, but nobody would want to be seen with me if I hadn't used the straightener!

2. My cell phone. I hate to admit that, but who can really say they can live without their cell phone. I don't talk much on my phone anymore cause I TEXT all the time. Thank goodness AT&T decided to provide unlimited texts. Mama was threatening to take it away from me!! I remember my first cell phone..I barely used the thing. Times have changed...

3. My Jackers. (my dog, Jack) He's my buddy. Couldn't stand not having him around.

4. My high school cheerleading shorts. Yeah, it's true. I still wear the shorts from high school that I wore to cheer camp or the ones I bought for practicing. They are worn out, have paint stains, and just old..but I love them. I sleep in a pair nearly every night, and they are always my go-to clothes from comfort.

5. Starbucks. Never thought I'd say it, and I hate admitting it now. I do love it. The only hot coffee I'll get is white chocolate mocha..other than that it has to be iced white chocolate mocha or caramel frappe. I'm trying to back off..it's too expensive anyway! Thank goodness colder weather will be here before long..maybe I won't want it anymore.


Anonymous said...

LOL.....love, love, love the number 4!!!! I am about to go run and I definitely have on a pair of my high school cheerleading shorts:D Gotta love them:)!!!!